SMJK in English
The Finnish National Team Supporters Association (Suomen Maajoukkueen Kannattajat ry, or SMJK) is a volunteer-based organization that aims to give its members a chance to vocally support the Finnish national football (and futsal) teams. We do this by bringing supporters together in matches and providing discounts and other benefits for members.
We work in cooperation with the Football Association of Finland to organize our own stand (Pohjoiskaarre, The North Stand) in all home matches of the men’s national team. Members of SMJK also receive a discount on national team game tickets, which you can buy from the SMJK website. A supporters’ section and ticket discounts for members are agreed on a match-by-match basis for women’s national team and youth matches, and usually sold through the SMJK website.
SMJK also organizes the possibility to support the national teams at away matches, including through a specific supporters’ section. Tickets for most away matches are available for purchase through the SMJK website.
For home matches of the men’s national team, SMJK organizes a march to the stadium. More information can be found prior to match days from our social media accounts. For away games, SMJK usually organizes a common meeting place for members, which is also communicated via our social media. SMJK also organizes and participates in matches between supporters of the Finnish national team and their opponent. We’re always looking for players to join us! Interested? Contact Joonatan Hartikainen ([email protected]) , the Board Member responsible for member events!
SMJK welcomes all supporters of the Finnish national football teams! We communicate primarily in Finnish, but are happy to answer your questions in English by email at [email protected]. If you want to become more involved in our activities, contact our Board (contact details below)!
You can join SMJK by paying the yearly membership fee of 25€. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Register as a customer or log-in to your account from the log-in page.
2. From the ‘Jäsenmaksu’ page, add the Jäsenyys 2025 to your basket “Lisää Ostoskoriin”. You can also give SMJK some additional support by paying for a support membership (Tukijäsenyys) for 50€. Note! There is also a support fee without membership available (Tukimaksu).
3. After adding the membership to your basket, you can either continue shopping by pushing the ‘jatka ostoksia’ button (if, for example, you’d like to buy merchandise or a bus fare. Tickets come available after paying the membership fee and logging in again.) or pay for the membership by pushing the ‘Siirry kassalle’ button.
4. Enter your address into the field and push the ‘Tee tilaus’ button, after which you will be forwarded to the Paytrail page, which you can view in English.
5. After completing the order, you are a member of SMJK!
Membership is valid until the end of the year (e.g. 31.12.2023, if paid on 03.09.2023). As a member of SMJK, you are entitled to receive member discounts of the merchandise in our online store and to buy member merchandise.
Members are provided a digital membership card which works in Magma Lompakko - application. Instructions for downloading the application are send via SMS, sender of the message is Magma. For receiving the instructions, a valid phone number must be provided in your info.
You can ask for more information on the association and membership by email at [email protected].
Member Benefits
The most important benefit for our members is entry to Pohjoiskaarre. That is possible only for our members who have purchased their tickets to the match on time from our website via the ‘Otteluliput’ page. The tickets come at a discounted price from the FA.
We publish our own magazine, HuSe!, which is issued approximately thrice a year. We also offer discounts on SMJK merchandise and bus trips to the matches in Finland and occasionally abroad. Benefits also include discounts at our partner restaurants. You can find more information on the mobile membership card that you’ll receive in a couple of weeks after you have paid your membership fee.
Members have priority to purchase tickets to the men’s national team major tournament matches according to the following system:
• Season ticket for the European Championship or World Cup qualifiers: 35 points;
• Season ticket for the Nation’s League matches: 20 points;
• Single home match tickets to a European Championship or World Cup qualifier or a Nation’s League match: 5 points;
• Membership to SMJK for three years preceding the tournament (e.g. -23, -22, and -21): 5 points / year;
• Serving as an SMJK Board Member or other role of trust appointed in a general meeting of the Association: 50 points / year served in the qualification cycle.
The amount of points needed to qualify for priority purchase is defined in cooperation with the Football Association of Finland before the major tournament and will be informed to all members. This priority purchase system will be monitored and may be modified if necessary.
Support Huuhkajat and Helmarit: Tickets, Travel, Merchandise
SMJK members have the right to buy one ticket for national team matches, unless otherwise stated. Those who bought a season ticket (‘kausikortti’) for qualifying home matches cannot buy individual tickets to the same matches through SMJK. To purchase tickets, log-in to your account. After doing so, the page ‘otteluliput’ will become visible, and you can select the tickets you would like to purchase.
Each member can only order one ticket. The order form does not check member information, but it is verified manually afterwards. If the order information is incorrect or incomplete, the success of the order may be jeopardized, even if the system accepts the information. Tickets delivered by email are sent to the email address in your profile, so it’s important to keep your information up-to-date. In case of any problems, send an email to [email protected].
SMJK organizes bus trips for members to attend home matches. If the home games are in Helsinki, the trips are usually organized from larger cities around Finland. Additionally, SMJK occasionally organizes travel to away matches. In both cases, information and the possibility to purchase a trip can be found from the ‘Matkaliput’ section of the website.
Vocally supporting the Finnish national teams is led by Pohjoiskaarre. Singing is part of our supporter culture, and you can find the songs we sing from the ‘Laulukirja’ page.
Show that you are a supporter of SMJK and the Finnish national teams! You can purchase merchandise directly from our website, via the ‘Fanituotteet’ page, or find us at home matches where we sell shirts, scarves, hats, and other items!
SMJK Board & Contact Info
Piritta Gurung
Esko Orre
Jussi Hartikainen
Nuutti Niemelä
Marko Karvinen
Social Responsibilities
Ilari Kattilakoski
Social Media
Hanna Repo Jamal
Event Team, Domestic Bus Transportation
Kalle Seppä
Event Team, Away Games
Juha Lehtelä
Event Team
Alex Mishin
Event Team (deputy member)
Erik Auranheimo
Fan Merchandise (deputy member)
Melissa Plath
Communication development (deputy member)
Janne Ulmala
Huse’s Editor-in-Chief (not a board member)
Samu Liski
The event team jointly handles various aspects of fan and match events, such as tifos and fan matches.
Board members can be reached best by email ([email protected]). All ideas and wishes for SMJK activities are welcome!